Accelerator Consolidation Project (comprises AD-CONS, NA-CONS, PS-CONS, SPS-CONS, LHC-CONS & LHC-SPARES)
Background: Consolidation has become necessary because of the ageing equipment and the consequent need for general maintenance and renovation.
The decision to use the PS and SPS machines as injector for the LHC, in a programme which will last for more than twenty years, means that a long term core consolidation programme for the LHC Injectors had to be launched. This was started in the AB Department in 2003.
The following documents summarize the consolidation activities
- December 2004 - First risk analysis report
- April 2005 - Second risk analysis report
- CERN-AB-Note-2008-002 summarizes the status of the project in 2008.
- Document summarizes the risk score calculations.
- EDMS 1253404 summarizes the status of the project in 2012. (and for TE depatment EDMS 1267058)
- Presentation summarizes the status of the project in 2012
- APT and CET are CERN’s Activity Planning Tools where all consolidation are centralized.
It should also be noted that a number large consolidation activities (LHC splice consolidation [TE], LHC R2E mitigation [EN]. PS Access system consolidation [GS], SPS Access system [GS], SPS 18kV distribution, EL-PS & EL-SPS [EN] & the RAMSESII installation [DGS]) have been removed from the tables shown below and the corresponding target figures. These activities are now separate projects inside the CERN MTP, with their own cost-to-completion.
Form January 2013, the AD and North Area now have their own Consolidation programs, known as AD-CONS and NA-CONS. These are run by Tommy Eriksson BE/OP and Mats Wilhelmsson EN/MEF respectively
Here you can find the latest budget allocations by budget code for PS-CONS, PS-SPARES, SPS-CONS,SPS-SPARES, LHC-CONS & LHC-SPARES for the period 2014 to 2018. This table contains the budget allocations for 2014, which include the carry-over from 2013 and the planned budget allocations for these activities from 2015 to 2018. The following report outline a number of the activities for the new LHC Consolidation: LHC spares for TE department EDMS 1020624
Two consolidation “reviews” each year, April (to update MTP) and October (carry-over & last minute actions)
- Consolidation Project in indico 5099 or indico 492100
- SPS North Area Consolidation 6450, East Area Consolidation 167761, 4451
First review was completed end 2014:
- No changes to already approved and ongoing WUs
- Considered only requests STARTING in year 2015
Standardized EDMS (Consolidation Program WU Description) documentation accompanying each consolidation request
For additional information please contact Mike Lamont, Lisette Van Den Boogaard. ACC-CONS Edms 1253404, 1267058